Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC) – Virtual Meeting

February 9, 2021


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-chair; Kate Brena, John Magee, Steve and Sue Russell, Members; Russell Smith, ex-officio.


Public: Andy Deegan – Ausbon Sargent Preservation Land Trust (ASPLT)


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.






The Commission reviewed the minutes of January 12, 2021. Corrections were made. Mr. Magee made a motion to accept the minutes. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. All were in favor.




- None discussed




- Whitford – The Board of Selectmen approved this application.

- Bellevance – This application has been postponed until the spring.

- Garrett – The Board of Selectmen approved this application.



- 0





Easement Update - 


Mr. Deegan gave an update on the easement. He stated that the Ausbon Sargent Preservation Land Trust (ASPLT) attorney has looked at the document and gave some suggestions. Mr. Deegan went over all of the suggestions with the Commissioners. Mr. Stewart asked a question about the placement of potential trails. Mr. Deegan said they would receive recommendations from New Hampshire Fish and Game. The trails would only go in if N.H. Fish and Game, the Newbury Conservation Commission and ASPLT all agreed. He said this would only be in general and not on the eastern side of the property. Mr. Magee said he thinks it is a good idea that the Fish and Game would be consulted, but the language in the document does not reflect that. He thinks thelanguage should change to “consultation” so someone is actually looking at it rather than just referring to a publication. Mr. Deegan said he will change that language. Mr. Magee said there are many GIS tools to make reasonable predictions of how various animals use the landscape. Mr. Magee wants to add the word “purpose” in the agreement’s terms and conditions in Section 2C.


There was a discussion regarding signage on the property. Mr. Deegan said the signage would be small and off the road. He said ASLPT can send pictures of signs that are on other properties. 


Mr. Deegan said that there are some historical sites on the eastern side of the property, keeping in mind that they will not be doing anything within the 150’ buffer from the stream. He said there is an area that looks like it has been altered and they have asked the NH Historical Society to come in to look at it. Mr. Unger said there is nothing on the east side of the road. He said there is no reason to put in a trail. Mr. Stewart asked if they decide that something significant is there, can we revise it later. Mr. Deegan said easements can be amended but it is usually to make it stronger or to fix a mistake. He said it would be a significant and costly process, so he suggests they make the document the way the want it now. Mr. Deegan suggested that they preface it that if there is archeological or historical significance, they can put in a trail on the eastern side of the property. 


Mr. Deegan brought up the topic of the pull up on the property. ASLPT would like the authority to maintain it. They are not going to pave it, they just want to be able to be able to maintain it. Mr. Magee would like the dimensions of the pull off indicated in the document. Mr. Deegan said he can add this as well as the location of the pull off. 


Mr. Stewart asked what all the deadlines are for the state. Mr. Deegan said that he would like this to be done by July. 


Ms. Holmes would like another work session. She said the Commissioners will talk about the following topics:


1. Signage.

2. The possibility of a trail on the eastern side of the property if there is an archaeological or historical site found on the property.

3. Maintenance of the pull off area.


Mr. Deegan left the meeting. Discussion ensued.


Mr. Stewart made a motion to leave the easement as originally proposed that there will be no trails on the east side, even if they find archaeological or historical sites. All were in favor. 


Mr. Unger asked Mr. Smith asked if the property gets really publicized, will the town do anything. Mr. Smith said no parking signage would go up. 




Revised Tree Application – Mr. Stewart mentioned a mistake on the email address for the tree application. Mr. Smith suggested that Ms. Holmes get a Newbury email address. Ms. Russell agreed with this. Ms. Holmes will talk to the town administrator about this. Mr. Stewart pointed out that there is something that was printed twice. Ms. Holmes said she forgot to delete one of these. Mr. Stewart said that number four requests an arborist report. Mr. Stewart asked what their purpose is. Ms. Holmes said that it is indicated on the first section of the application. Mr. Stewart said he it isn’t clear what the arborist is supposed to report on. He said there should be some clarity on what the report should include. Mr. Stewart will help her with the wording of this. Mr. Stewart also asked if the Code Enforcement Officer is still part of this tree application. Mr. Smith said they are still looking at this. Ms. Brena asked if all of the attachments are needed all of the time or if some of them are conditional. 


There was a discussion regarding the $50/fee. 


Ms. Russell pointed out a small spelling issue on the first page. 

Ms. Brena mentioned there is an extra “T” in arborist on the first page. 




Flash on the Beacon – Ms. Holmes forwarded this to everyone.




Gift for Paul Doscher – Ms. Holmes suggested giving an image of the river and make a nice print to present to Mr. Doscher for the time he has spent on this project.


Ms. Holmes asked if this is Mr. Smith’s last meeting for the NCC, and he said yes it was. He said he wants to make sure his replacement as an ex-officio member will go to both the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission. 



Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Russellseconded the motion. All in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Long

Recording Secretary

DRAFT Newbury Conservation Commission           Page 3 of 3​February 9, 2021