Fireworks Permits are Required in Newbury

 Please remember that a permit is required for all fireworks displays in the Town of Newbury. If you are planning fireworks, now is the time to schedule an inspection by the fire department of the location where your fireworks display will be held.

Be aware that the state of New Hampshire State Fire Marshal has specific distance requirements between the launch site and buildings, lot lines and wooded areas. The inspection will verify that your location complies with the state rules. Following the inspection a fireworks permit may be issued. It may take up to 48 hours from the request to contact you and schedule an appointment time for the inspection. The week prior to the holiday inspection appointments are often dificult to get, so please request early by completing the on-line request form.

If you have previously had an inspection approving a site and a premit has been issued, another inspection is not required and the permit can renewed on the on-line Fireworks Permit Request form

A complete copy of the Newbury Fireworks Ordinance, including information on penalties for displaying fireworks without a permit can be found on the Newbury Fire Rescue website.