Planning Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Planning Board

April 3, 2018


Approved May 15, 2018


Members Present:  Bruce Healey, Chair; Michael Beaton, Vice Chair; Howard Maurer, Richard Wright, Bill Weiler, Regina Cockerill, Members; Russell Smith, Ex-officio Member, Ken McWilliams, Advisor.


Recording Secretary Donna Long called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


The first order of business was to nominate a chair for the planning board.


Russ Smith made a motion to nominate Bruce Healey for chair.  Bill Weiler seconded the motion.  There were no other nominations.  All were in favor.


Mr. Healey made a motion to nominate Michael Beaton for vice chair.  Russ Smith seconded the motion.  There were no other nominations.  All were in favor.





There were no minutes available for review.




The Fells Site Review

Mr. Healey mentioned that the site visit to The Fells was cancelled and a new date needs to be selected.  He said that the three dates that The Fells offered for a site review are:  April 11, 12 and 16.  Mr. Healey suggested that they do the site review on April 16 due to the wet weather.  The time would be at 4:30 p.m.  Mr. Healey will let The Fells know that they will visit on Monday, April 16 at 4:30 p.m.


Annexation/LLA Plat/Deed Procedures

Concerning Case 2018-002 – Final Annexation/Lot Line Adjustment approved in February.  Mr. Healey presented a document to Board members that outlined the current administrative procedures for handling an approved Annexation/LLA plat and associated deed.  The procedures were developed with advice from town counsel and part of a significant amendment to Section VII of the Board’s Land Subdivision Control Regulations approved in June 2017.  In the hearing for Case 2018-002, the applicant requested a deed title search immediately prior to filing their new deed.  Mr. Weiler explained that the title of a property may need to be checked to be certain that the deed has not changed since the last title search.  This request is not supported by Regulation although it is possible to meet the applicant’s request by providing a town or Board courier.  Mr. Weiler offered to be the courier.  Mr. Weiler said this document should be placed in the Board’s Rules of Procedures in case the town’s lawyer ever needs to go to court.



Density Report Work Sheet

Mr. Healey said that there were a couple of corrections that needed to be made to the Density Report Form.  He asked for the Board’s approval so he can date when the form was modified.  He changed lines 9 and 10 to correct the table that is referenced in the Zoning Ordinance.  Mr. Weiler made a motion to approve the amended density report.  Mr. Smith seconded.  All in favor.


Site Plan Reviews

Mr. Healey explained that when a commercial business comes to the Planning Board, they submit a site plan.  Mr. Healey said there are a few commercial property owners that do not have a site plan.  Mr. Healey said there was a case involving Mount Sunapee General Store in which there was no site plan available but the Board still allowed this process to go forward.  Mr. Healey decided to write a letter to the owner of the store.  Herb Smith is the owner of the Mount Sunapee General Store.  Mr. Healey explained that the Board had met with the new tenant of the Escape Room and Adventure and that they would need a site plan because of the change of use for this location.  Mr. Healey stated that his letter explained that the single biggest obstacle of the planning board was that no site plan was available for this property.  He said that a site plan should be completed so the next time there is a Board review the site plan could be included in the process.



LSPA has received a grant to update the existing water management plan for the Lake Sunapee watershed.  The Watershed Advisory Committee will be held from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the LSPA on April 12.  If anyone is interested, Mr. Healey said they should attend.  Ms. Cockerill said that she plans to attend.


Roof Permit

Mr. Smith said that the Code Enforcement Officer said that we should require a roofing permit.  Mr. Smith said that the Board of Selectmen would like to create a process to begin issuing roof permits through the town.  Mr. Smith said that a resident had mold happening due to a leaky roof and when they went to the insurance company, the company said they will not pay for it because there was no town permit given.  Discussion ensued. Mr. Weiler asked what is special about roofs that we would need to require a permit.  Mr. Smith said that everything that is altering your home should require a permit.  Mr. Smith explained that you need a permit to change windows.  Mr. Wright disagreed.  He does not think that you need a permit to change windows if it is the same size window.  Mr. Weiler said that the planning board does not create permits for construction.  Mr. McWilliams looked up Article 3A under the Building Regulations and said that he does not believe that a permit would be required for replacing a roof.  Mr. Healey suggested that the Code Enforcement Officer draft something up and then come in to speak to the Planning Board.  Mr. Healey explained that building regulation changes need to be approved at town meeting.  Mr. McWilliams said that is the same with zoning ordinance changes as well. 


Earth Excavation Regulations

Mr. Healey said that the Board still needs to review the proposed regulations pertaining to excavation.  He said that the town has three property owners that own sand and gravel with one big excavation operation in town (Willow Pond Sand and Gravel).  There is no town regulation over Willow Pond because it was grandfathered and was started in the 1950s.  The state has regulations for pits and expects the Planning Board to oversee these sites.  The Planning Board does not currently have procedures and regulations for earth excavation.  The three sites are owned by Kinsman, Hilton and DeRoche. They are all located on South Road.  He explained that all three have had issues with the assessor’s department and are being told that if they want to operate as a gravel pit, they will need to receive a permit from the town.  The state has model regulations and Mr. Healey took a combination of these state regulations with other town’s regulations and created a document which can be used.  Mr. Healey would like to propose a work session on May 1 to receive oversight on this document.  It was decided that a work session will take place on Tuesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m.  Mr. Weiler requested that the document that the Board reviews should be a finished document that everyone can review prior to the meeting.  Mr. Healey will send that to the Board members within the next day or two.  Mr. Healey said that he asked the Board to look at the “250 cubic yards or more of excavation” and also to look at the entire article 8.  He said this is the crux of the regulations. 



There being no further discussion, Mr. Healey called for a Motion to Adjourn.


Mr. Smith made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Beaton seconded the motion.  All in favor.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary