Conservation Commission Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Conservation Commission (NCC)

May 26, 2022


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Alden Beauchemin, John Magee, Bob Stewart, Members, Joanne Lord, Ex-Officio.


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.




Board members decided to do a formal easement monitoring on Saturday, June 11, at 7:00 a.m. Mr. Stewart will contact Mr. Unger. They will meet onsite at the parking lot. Ms. Holmes will post this meeting. 




Ms. Holmes nominated Mr. Stewart as vice chair. Mr. Beauchemin seconded. All were in favor.


Mr. Stewart nominated Ms. Holmes to be chair. Mr. Magee seconded. All were in favor.




The Commission reviewed the minutes of April12, 2022. Ms. Holmes said she wished the minutes were longer. No vote was taken.




- Joe & Wendy Calareso – Old Providence Road – Acreage of lot = 5, Cut = 2:

- Donald E. Clifford – Mountain Road – Acreage of Lot 155.9, Cut = 40

- Bell Scott MacNaughton – Meadow Road – Acreage of Lot = 20, Cut = 10 – Mr. Stewart asked if the Elevation Difference and the fact that you can’t do anything on the ridge was mentioned in the application and Ms. Holmes said yes. Mr. Beauchemin asked why the applicants don’t need to attach a sketch. Mr. Stewart said the biggest thing they look at is if they are cutting in the buffer. Mr. Stewart said they are protecting the loggers by letting them know they are in the buffer by looking at the maps.


Ms. Holmes asked Ms. Lord to find out where the funds fromthe timber tax goes to.


Mr. Beauchemin said he went to a workshop recently and said the State has expanded on vernal pools.




(Previously signed by Selectboard)

- Goddard – Mr. Stewart said these trees were all dead.

- Neville – Mr. Stewart signed off on this.

- Scholl (documents included) – Mr. Stewart said this cut was in the woodland buffer on the other side of the road, opposite the lake. He said Tyler Webb (arborist) looked at it and said to do some plantings. Mr. Stewart would like to also include that the planting plant should have NH species.


(Current applications)

- Mooradian

- Skinner – Ms. Holmes said the trees on the other side of the road, and several are in the protected shoreland. They told the homeowners to put in some plantings.

- Ryan

- Ferrigno – Ms. Holmes said there was a beautiful maple tree that was in declined health and was leaning toward the house.

- Goetzenberger – There was a violation on the application because it needs to be signed by the owner of the property.


Mr. Beauchemin made a motion to have Ms. Holmes follow up and write a letter to the violator. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.



- Shoreland Permit: 

o John Mead 1067 Route 103 – Shoreland Impact Permit 2022-01073 – Impact 5,164 sq. ft. of protected shoreland in order to raze the primary structure, construct a new primary structure with a garage, reconfigure the driveway and install a drywell. Impervious Surface Percentage Approved: 25.1% Natural Woodland Area Required per RSA 483-B:9, V, (b): 1,035 sq. ft. –

Mr. Magee asked if we looked at this and Ms. Holmes said they don’t have to sign off on a shoreland permit. Mr. Stewart said they have to certify mail to the town, and it never gets to the Conservation Commission. Ms. Holmes said all shoreland things go to the Conservation according to the land use coordinator. Ms. Holmes asked Mr. Stewart to contact the land use coordinator to see if she is receiving them. Mr. Stewart thinks they may be going to the town clerk rather than the land use coordinator. 



- LSPA – Beacon – emailed to everyone.

- NH Lakes Association – Ms. Holmes said the new campaign, Let’s Be Clear, has been launched. Ms. Holmes read some of the things that can affect the lakes.





- NCC Newsletter – Idea: What is a Rain Garden, What do Conservation Commissions do, Cyanobacteria, Mulches. 



- Violations

o A tree house needs to be taken down because they never received a permit.

- New Tree Application Process handout and discussion

o There is a checklist for the office to use moving forward. All applications can be delivered by mail or dropped off to the land use coordinator. Ms. Holmes read through the checklist. Ms. Holmes said now there will be a paper trail.

- Summer/Fall – Workshops -possibility of a bubbler workshop, learn about our shoreland protection act, landscaping for water quality, etc.

o Mr. Stewart said he thinks they should have a table at the Old Home Day event.




Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Magee seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Long, Recording Secretary