Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)

September 13, 2022


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Alden Beauchemin, John Magee, Bob Stewart, Members.


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.






The Commission reviewed the minutes of August 9, 2022. Corrections were made. Mr. Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Mr. Magee seconded the motion. All were in favor.






Kara & Jamie Gruver – 144 Bowles Road & Comments – Ms. Holmes could not find the letter on the DES website. It was a request for more information.


Ms. Holmes is going to ask the Selectboard to ask the land use coordinator to tell the Conservation when wetland permits come in. Mr. Stewart mentioned that he forgot to send out the letter he wrote.


Pelletteri - There was discussion regarding the Pelletteri’s. Mr. Beauchemin read the DES letter he found on the website. DES is requesting more information on their application.


Under Review Mr. Stewart will look at Verni and Jakowski. Ms. Holmes will look at Holcomb and Budd.




  • Shoreland Impact Permit 2022-02124 – Katherine Sample & Jeffrey Sought – 178 Bowles Road -   Impact 11,479 sq. ft. of protected shoreland in order to raze the existing house and construct a new house and construct a new house with an attached garage, new septic system, additional parking, install new drainage system, in addition to pervious pavers used on portion of driveway, Impervious surface percentage approved: 29:1%Ms. Holmes said this needs a review and will need to go to Zoning. They discussed letting the Selectboard and Planning Board chairs know about this case so they can let them know that they need to go to the ZBA. Ms. Holmes will send out something about the impervious surface and will stay on top of this.



  • Flash of the Beacon (LSPA) – Ms. Holmes talked about the robot water sampling. Ms. Holmes read a portion of an article in the Flash of the Beacon. Starting next week is Septic Smart week.
  • LSPA – Cyanobacterial blooms – Ms. Holmes had sent it around. The Commissioners all read the information that Ms. Holmes passed along.
  • NH Municipal Association – Ms. Holmes asked if anyone has done any of the virtual conferences. Mr. Magee said he has gone to one. Ms. Holmes said she would like to go to the land use law virtual conference. Ms. Holmes said Conservation can pay for this conference.



  • Upcoming workshop with ASLPT – October 22 – There was some discussion around sending postcards to property owners that either own a large parcel of land, or land that is already abutting conservation parcels. Mr. Stewart said he could call the assessor and ask her to print out everything that is over 30 acres. Mr. Magee asked what date they should tell Ms. Holmes when she wants the addresses to her. Mr. Magee will work on a spreadsheet and will have it to Ms. Holmes by September 25. Mr. Stewart will send information that he receives to Mr. Magee.
  • Bubbler workshop will take place in November.
  • Discussion on Wetland Article 8 – The Commissioners looked at this article. Mr. Stewart read the wetland buffer zoning ordinance under 8.6. Mr. Stewart said he remembers when this went into effect because what they were trying to do is have no building within 75’ from a wetland greater than 10,000 sq. ft. Mr. Stewart said they are everywhere. Mr. Stewart said he had a client on Ramblewood that wanted to develop their lot. Under 8.7.2 it discusses uses. Under 8.7.3 discusses permits required. This directs them to article 2 under development and under 2.33 any manmade change which includes a large number of things. Discussion ensued. Mr. Stewart wants to know what everyone thinks this means. Discussion ensued. Mr. Stewart will ask Mr. Finneral to get in touch with Ms. Holmes regarding this issue.






131 Grace Hill Road – Ms. Holmes went to this property. One of the concerns is that the hemlocks were diseased.


Tree applications – What to do if there is no arborist listed? Mr. Magee said they need to have an arborist because it is a requirement on the application.


Mr. Magee made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Stewart seconded the motion. All were in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Long, Recording Secretary