Conservation Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)

June 21, 2018

Approved July 10, 2018


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-Chair; Bob Stewart, Sue Russell, Steve Russell, Members; Joy Nowell, Ex-officio.


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.



There was no administrative business.



Commissioners reviewed the following Intents to Cut:

Kevin Daniels, Gillingham Drive, Tax Map/Lot # 0049-0388-189

Kenneth & Diane Brown, Gillingham Drive, Tax Map/Lot # 049-061-117 & 049-273-009

Mr. Unger noted that there was a mapping number error for the above Intent to Cut and that he ensured its correction with the Land Use Coordinator.


Follow-up on Intent to Cut for Wickermann, Cheney Drive.

Ms. Holmes stated that the Code Enforcement Officer is deeply involved in the oversight of this Intent to Cut. She added that the NH Department of Environmental Services (DES) has made three site visits and that representatives from the NH Forestry Division have also been on the site.


There was significant discussion regarding the issues pertaining to this cut, particularly the violations within the 50-foot buffer zone. Also discussed were the issues that arose between the property owner and abutter. Ms. Holmes said Town Counsel was contacted to review the situation and it was determined that the neighbor-to-neighbor issues were a civil matter.


Ms. Nowell noted that the property owner and the abutter appeared before the Selectboard. The Selectboard concluded that its responsibility is to enforce the regulations and that the neighbor-to-neighbor issues must be worked out between the property owner and the abutter.



Ms. Holmes reviewed the following Buffer Zone Cut application:

Matthew & Dawn Clark, 17 Bay Point Road, Newbury.

Ms. Holmes noted that she and the CEO visited the site and that the application was signed.


Follow-up on 236 Bowles Road.

Ms. Holmes noted that DES granted a permit and that the CEO is monitoring the Cut closely. There was additional discussion regarding the multiple DES permit approach for this project and how the history of the property is documented.


The Fells Lower Parking Lot Project

Ms. Holmes noted that the input provided by the NCC to The Fells project was influential in the inclusion of a stormwater management plan surrounding the proposed pavilion. She added that the advisory role of NCC on applications often helps the applicant refine plans to ensure an outcome that meets town regulations while protecting the watershed. She thanked the Commissioners for their continued dedication in this area.



Ms. Holmes reviewed the following items from DES:

Shoreland Impact Permit 2018-01129: Doreen/John Bateson 1065 Rte.103, Tax Map/Lot # 201A-350-534

Shoreland Impact Permit 2018-01420: Michael/Susan Bedard, Tax Map/Lot # 43-192-107

Wetland & Non-Site Specific Permit 2017-00800: Jeffery Kozlowski, Tax Map/Lot # 16A-411. Follow-up letter from DES.

Shoreland PBN 201801510: Mary Downey, 72 Highland Ave., Tax Map/Lot # 018-374-196

Letter to Patrick & Melissa Thompson

Letter of Deficiency: Richard/Barbara Marzelli

Ms. Nowell noted that the Marzellis spoke informally with Ms. Nowell’s husband and  indicated that they (Marzellis) have taken care of the issue.

Mr. Stewart added that they removed piles of sand and moved it to an upland area on their property. However, Mr. Stewart expressed concern that it appears that they have filled in wetlands and there is no record of that. Discussion followed.


There was discussion pertaining to how the town and the NCC are notified by DES regarding PBNs and Shoreland permits. Also discussed were the turnaround times for Wetland Permits and Non-Site Specific Permits. Mr. Stewart noted that the time frames run from 30 to 120 days for turnaround.


Ms. Russell suggested that a future discussion include a detailed presentation of DES permits so Commissioners may better understand the various components. Mr. Stewart agreed to do that.   



Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC the following:

Letter from the Planning Board regarding Final Approval for The Fells Lower Parking Lot

House Bill 1473-FN Bill relative to timber yield tax

Ms. Holmes noted that this bill pertains to exempting municipal properties from timber tax. 





Summer Bubbler Workshop

Commissioners discussed possible workshop dates of August 7th or August 9th. Ms. Holmes said she would check on meeting room availability and let everyone know which date works best.


Rain Garden Summer Workshop

There was discussion about the best approach to organizing and presenting a workshop on Rain gardens. Ms. Nowell suggested contacting the Newbury Beautification Committee as a possible co-sponsor for this event along with co-sponsoring the Bubbler Workshop.


Forestry Workshop

Mr. Unger agreed to spearhead this workshop by contacting the organizers of last year’s Forestry workshop. Ms. Holmes suggested that the NCC consider including other groups in the workshop such as Ausbon Sargent and the Forestry Society. Commissioners agreed to further discuss this topic at the July meeting.




September NCC Meeting Date

Commissioners agreed to change the NCC meeting date from September 11th to September 13th  to avoid conflicting with elections.


Chalk Pond Site Review

Ms. Holmes requested that Steve & Sue Russell create an action plan following the NCC site visit at Chalk Pond regarding beach erosion. There was discussion about how best to inform the Chalk Pond residents about erosion issues and water protection. Suggestions included drone aerial pictures of Chalk Pond properties; postcards mailed to each property owner; a newsletter; and an invitation to property owners for a free erosion/stormwater management assessment of their property.


There being no further discussion, Ms. Holmes called for a Motion to Adjourn.


Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Nowell seconded the motion. All in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Meg Whittemore

Recording Secretary