Conservation Commission Meeting

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC)

July 10, 2018

Approved August 14, 2018


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Bob Stewart, Steve Russell, Sue Russell, Members; Russ Smith, Ex-officio.


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.




The Commissioners reviewed the minutes of June 21, 2018 and made corrections. Mr. Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Russell seconded the motion. All in favor. 



There were no Intent to Cut applications to review.



Ms. Holmes reviewed the following Buffer Zone Cut applications:

Robert & Michelle Shields, 325 Chalk Pond Road: Ms. Holmes to review.

Lemay Real Estate Trust, 3 Bay Point Landing Road: Selectboard reviewed and approved.

William & Karen Daigle, 355 Chalk Pond Road: Ms. Holmes to review.

William Beroza, Shore Drive (M/L 20-172-544): Ms. Holmes to review. 



Ms. Holmes reviewed the following items from DES:

Shoreland Impact Permit-2018-01634, Sousa, 54 Gerald Drive: There was discussion regarding the accuracy of the street number. It was indicated that this was a new lot. Ms. Holmes stated that she will check with the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) and added that the Land Use Administrator is checking with the Fire Chief regarding the street number.  



Ms. Holmes shared with the NCC the following:

Newslink-NH Municipal Association (NHMA): Ms. Holmes indicated that NHMA is hosting a webinar in conjunction with the NH Lakes Association pertaining to aquatic invasive infestations. The webinar is on August 22, 2018 from 12-noon to 1:00 p.m.

NHACC June E-News: Ms. Holmes shared information with Commissioners from the NH Association of Conservation Commissioners, specifically the NHACC’s annual conference on November 3, 2018. She invited all interested Commissioners to attend.

Notice of Public Meeting on Lake Sunapee Boat Access: The meeting is scheduled for July 12, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. at the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (Training Room) Governor Hugh Gallen State Office Park, 109 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH. Ms. Holmes encourage all interested Commissioners to attend if possible.


NH Natural Heritage and Bio-diversity Inventory on Mount Sunapee        

Mr. Russell shared detailed information on Mount Sunapee’s Exemplary Ancient Forest located on Mount Sunapee and the potential for putting into place protective measure. He described the research that has been conducted to date: in 1997, Chris Kane, an Antioch College PhD candidate, wrote his thesis on ancient tress located on public lands. Mr. Kane contacted the Natural Heritage Bureau (NHB) and the NHB documented the presence of an ancient forest on Mount Sunapee.


The NHB can only make recommendations, not policy. Mr. Russell indicated that an administrative decision – a legislative action – is needed to ensure protection of the ancient forest. He noted that oversight of the ancient forest would fall to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources.


Mr. Russell noted that 1/10th of 1% of all forests in NH are deemed “ancient forests” and that the ancient forest located on Mount Sunapee comprises 1/10th of that 1/10th. He added that this area constitutes the last vestige of wilderness in this part of the state. This is the forest that emerged from the Ice Age and it is a self-regulating forest.


The Mount Sunapee ancient forest is part of the 484-acre state-designated Exemplary Natural Community System (ENCS) located on Mount Sunapee.


Discussion followed regarding where to go from here to publicize this information to the public in order to generate support for preservation efforts. It was suggested that a hike to the ancient forest be scheduled in September with Mr. Kane as the guide. The proposed theme of the hike was stated as “Take a Hike Back in Time”.



Bubbler Workshop: Ms. Holmes reviewed the possible content for the workshop on August 7, 2018 at 6:45 p.m. at the Town Office. All Commissioners are invited to attend.

Beck Brook Trout Survey: This item was tabled until the next meeting.

Chalk Pond/Sunapee Hills Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting is scheduled for August 25, 2018 at 4:00 p.m.

Ausbon Sargent event at Star Lake Farm in Springfield: Ms. Holmes invited all interested Commissioners to attend on October 13, 2018 for the day-long event. Star Lake Farm is a 1,700-acre property. She added that a number of workshops will be offered throughout the day.



Ms. Russell requested that a future NCC meeting include a presentation on how NHDES approaches restrictions pertaining to waterbodies. She also suggested including a primer on how to read the various communications/permits/etc. issued by DES so Commissioners can better understand how the waterbody permitting system works.


There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Holmes called for a Motion to Adjourn.

Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. All in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Meg Whittemore

Recording Secretary