Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC) – Virtual Meeting

July 14, 2020


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-chair; Janet Lausten, Steve and Sue Russell, Bob Stewart, Members.


Public Present: Ken Holmes, Greg Grigsby, Chris Hernick


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.






The NCC reviewed the minutes of the June 9, 2020 meeting.  Mr. Unger made a motion to accept the minutes.  Mr. Russellseconded the motion.  All were in favor. 





- Eric Unger – Tax/Map #024-317-017 – Acreage of lot = 26.4, Area to cut = 3 acres – Approved

- Melissa Thompson – Tax/Map #052-747-397 – Acreage of lot = 48.28, Area to cut = unknown (not indicated on application)




- 111Bowles Road – Sample/Stought – Tax/Map #017-595-517

- 1161 Route 103 – Kanji – Tax/Map3 019-491-277

- 57 Route 103 – Peter/Susan Carl – TaxMap# 051-529 (Lake Todd)

- 26 Highland Ave. – Camp Ruffit- Tax/Map # 308-083

- 269 Bay Point Road – Camilleri Trust – Tax/Map #006-108-349



- None




Fire Department Wetland Application - 


Mr. Holmes is the owner’s representative for the town of Newbury for the building of the fire station project. He said that all NCC members should have received the final plans for the fire station. He explained that the townspeople did not want to move the Veterans Memorial, Velie Memorial Playground and the library. They also wanted to leave room for the proposed expansion of the library. Mr. Holmes said to make it all work and not touch any of the aforementioned, it was necessary to acquire a minimal impact permit approval for this site and continue building. Ms. Holmes asked if anyone had questions. Ms. Russell asked about the trees that were removed from the site. Mr. Holmes said trees were removed to do perk tests to design the stormwater system as well as the septic system. He said the trees that have been removed are where the station and the parking lot are going to be. He explained that more trees will need to be removed by the playground and the Vets Memorial parking lot. 


Mr. Stewart said he does not see any red flags with this project.


Mr. Unger said everything looks okay to him.


Mr. Russell wanted to know if everything that has been taken down will be the footprint for the building. Mr. Holmes said that some of it will be the south parking lot as well.


Ms. Holmes asked when they remove all of the trees, she was wondering if the water velocity will be much stronger and was wondering if they took this into consideration. Mr. Holmes said there is storm water retention system that is in place. Mr. Stewart said it is going into an underwater filtration system and it will percolate into the ground. 


Mr. Stewart made a motion to authorize Ms. Holmes to sign off on the proposed fire station permit. Ms. Russell seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Ms. Holmes will meet Mr. Holmes at the town office in the morning to sign the paperwork.


Future Intent to Cut Visits

Ms. Holmes asked if others might be able to help her with some future visits. Mr. Stewart, Mr. Unger and Ms. Russell all offered to help her with upcoming site visits.





- 229 Bay Point Road


Mr. Grigsby came back to the NCC to discuss plans that have been proposed previously. He shared several maps of the property with the Commission members. He went over the restoration plan for the property. 


Mr. Grigsby explained that the original proposal was approved by both the town and state for a conforming structure. 


He showed the proposed drawing showing the house behind the 75-foot setback. He showed the house, patio, breezeway and two-story garage. 


Mr. Grigsby went over the details of the details of the ground cover points.


Mr. Stewart asked about the notation about a monitoring schedule. Mr. Grigsby showed it. Mr. Stewart asked if they would be providing the NCC a copy of that on an annual basis. Mr. Grigsby said they can do what the NCC requested. Mr. Grigsby said there were three things they are trying to do: 1. All erosion control should be in place before the demolition of the building, 2. Upon removal of the primary structure, stabilize the area and 3. Plant to the restoration area. This needs to be done after they receive power so they can water the area.


Ms. Holmes applauded them for taking recommendations from the NCC and the state level. 


Mr. Grigsby said it will be completely conforming with native plantings.


Mr. Hernick explained that a mechanically stabilized earth wall will be put in place. Mr. Stewart asked if there is a maintenance and monitoring plan in place. Mr. Hernick said there is a plan and the homeowner would need to hire someone to maintain the wall. Mr. Stewart wonders what the success rate is since no other owner has this around the lake. He said it will be important for the owner to maintain it for it to continue to work.


Ms. Holmes asked if the homeowners are supportive of the proposed plan and Mr. Grigsby said yes.


After a detailed discussion, the members of the Commissionagreed that the homeowner plan looks good and protects the lake.





Ms. Holmes mentioned that Ms. Long will begin work on the NCC newsletter. Some of the items that will be covered in the publications will include: a piece from Steve Russell, a description of the Headwaters of Warner and a piece about a fundraiser.


Joint Meeting

Bruce Healey, Chair of the Planning Board, has called for a Joint Meeting of all the boards, the Code Enforcement Officer and the Land Use Coordinator on July 28, 2020 at 7 pm. All commission members are invited. NCC members to let Katheryn know what she would like to bring up at the meeting.


Ms. Holmes said her main concern is adding to the NCC budget. 


Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Russellseconded the motion. All in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Long

Recording Secretary

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