Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 20, 2021

 May 20, 2021- Minutes for House Workshop on Easements and Intent to Cut.
Attendees: Katheryn Holmes, Eric Unger, Sue Russell, Steve Russell, John Magee
In the absence of NCC recording secretary, the minutes are recorded by Katheryn Holmes, Chair, NCC.
The Zoom meeting came to order at 7:06. Ms. Holmes gave an update on our easement saying that it is currently being reviewed by Paul Doscher who kindly Volunteer to help NCC with our “Between the Mountains Easement.” Paul worked on easements for Society for Protection of NH Forest for 25 years.
He is also a member of Trout Unlimited and they have been instrumental in our Easement preparation as well as planning to donate $10,000. to the easement.
Intent to cut: 212 acres Teloian Family Trust. Steve Russell addressed the cur- rent intent to cut of 212 acres for our review and what action to be taken?
He presented maps from Conservation Inventory, Fish and Game (included in the minutes) showing the steep slopes and wetlands. According to the Fish and Game Wildlife Mapping Action Plan mapping these three properties encompass 212 acres of the “highest quality wildlife habitat in the biological region.” The 2014 Newbury Conservation Commission Natural Resource Inventory desig- nates these properties as a major wildlife corridor. He said that the property abuts the Audubon Stoney Brook Wildlife Refuge which is part of a complex of preserved lands that create a contiguous conservation corridor of approximately 1100 acres to the shore of Lake Sunapee.
As we could see from the maps the Teloian property serves two major Water- sheds. The Merrimack River Watershed with Ring Brook ( designated aa perma- nent stream in Newbury) and the Connecticut River Watershed which has Brooks on the North western part of the property that flows into Chalk pond. Another concern is the possible impact to Chalk pond from erosion from the steep slopes and possible impact to the homeowner that border the property.
Commissioner John Magee, also spoke to the wetland/pond on this property. Mr. Magee said how valuable this wetland is to the wildlife there and the general habitat. When you zoom in on the map there appears to be old beaver habitat and he said it was likely that the beavers have moved on.
Mr. Magee stated that is probably good place for amphibians to flock. Steve Russell asked John Magee what the size of the pond? Mr. Magee began mea- suring the size on Google Earth. He said was about 4 acres. Mr. Magee said

 that the pond is likely a huge vernal pool and likely the headwaters of Ring Brook. Mr. Unger, Ms. Holmes and Mr. Russell discuss the importance of the pond and agreed that it probably, given the area, a vernal pool and the headwa- ters of Ring Brook. Discussion followed about Ring Brook and it was point out that in Newbury Zoning Regulation, it is classified as a permeant stream.
Ms. Holmes asked Mr.Magee, when he talked to the Forester Moreno, if they were going to cut in high elevation and he said probably not.
All the commissioners present took the time to look at the maps presented by Mr. Russell.
Mr. Russell talked to Phil Brown of Audubon and Phil told him that Audubon is unable to buy this property, Mr. Russell said that Teloian is not selling the prop- erty, the family wants to keep it and have no intention of developing the proper- ty. Discussion about the Newbury Regulations and the need to be in compli- ance with Newbury Zoning Ordinances: Article 8 - Wetlands Conservation Over- lay District; Article 9 - Steep Slopes Conservation Overlay District.
Ms. Holmes asked Eric Unger about the Intent to cut. Mr. Unger gave some history of the Intent. It had been put in last year and Eric did say in his report that it had steep slopes and wetland. Teloian had to resubmit. However, Mr. Unger comments did not go with the re submitted intent to cut. Holmes said she talked to Selectboard (SB) member Joy Newell and she thought that it was not in her packet of info for the SB meeting. Holmes expressed concern over what is the process when a Intent to Cut isan submitted. Mr. Unger said this was the largest cut ever in Newbury. Eric Unger has been a member pf NCC for years and has always review the Intents to Cut to make sure they are in compli- ance with Newbury Zoning regulations.
What action can next be taken?
Commissioners Eric Unger and Steve Russell agree to attend the next Select- board meeting and present NCC concerns about the Teloian Intent to cut 212 acres It is the Commission goal that the Selectboard will look over the maps and consider NCC’s concerns and enforce the Newbury Zoning Regulations.
Respectively submitted,
Katheryn Holmes, NCC Chair (filling in for Donna Long)