Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 12, 2020

 Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC) – Virtual Meeting May 12, 2020
Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-chair; Janet Lausten, Bob Stewart, Members; Russell Smith, Ex-officio
Public: Andy Deegan, John Magee (New Hampshire Fish and Game Department), George Embley (Trout Unlimited)
Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Discussion for Avery property on Mountain Road – Mr. Deegan stated that he had an executive meeting with Ausbon Sargent and they agreed to submit a purchase and sales contract for the Avery property contingent on three things:
1. The passing of the Newbury vote
2. Receiving an ARM grant
3. And setting up of a conservation fund
Ms. Holmes said the notice will go in the newspaper and the public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Deegan said he would like to try for $200,000 from the ARM grant. He said the total project will probably be $300,000.
Mr. Embley said that Trout Unlimited has committed to $10,000 from monies received from their banquet.
Mr. Unger asked Mr. Deegan if the purchase and sales agreement has to wait for the town’s approval. Mr. Deegan said he hoped to have it under contract by the end of the week.
Ms. Holmes asked Mr. Magee if more funds might be available from the Fish and Game. He said the commission was not meeting regularly due to the pandemic. He also said that if they receive monies from Fish and Game, that they would not be able to put ‘no trapping’ signs on the property or in the deed.
Ms. Holmes asked anyone if they had ideas of what the easement would be called. Mr. Stewart suggested Mountain Road Falls.
Ms. Holmes thanked Mr. Deegan and Mr. Embley for attending the meeting.
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The NCC reviewed to the minutes of the April 21, 2020 meeting. Corrections were made. Mr. Stewart made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. All were in favor.
- Peter Moore – Morse Lane – Tax/Map # 034-092-064– Acreage of Lot = 550. Acreage of cut = 50. Approved and signed.
- Hillary L. Foster – Old Post Road – Tax/Map #043-353-025– Acreage of Lot = 7.03. Acreage of cut = 4. Approved and signed.
- Review 23 Lakewood Manor – Jerry Bass – Application was put in in October and now has a second tree application. Mr. Stewart check it out, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Mr. Stewart said this is all near the water and it is a steep slope. A meeting will be scheduled on May 21 with Mr. Bass to discuss further.
- Barbara O’Brien & Deane Wilson – 13 Gerald Drive – Ms. Holmes said she reviewed this application and the BOS signed it. There was a big oak tree hanging over their house.
- Chris & Karen Schiffmacher – 19 Jenkins Road DES:
- Notice of Acceptance of Shoreland Permit Application: Azra/Flyaz Kanji – 1161 Route 103 – TaxMap/Lot #019-491-277
- Notice of Acceptance of Shoreland Permit PBN:
- Marlena Grutzmacher – 57 Frazier Ave. – TaxMap/Lot #326-425-437 - Lynn & Stuart Werman – 266 Route 103A TaxMap/Lot #019-198-409 - Ann Ryan – 105 Bay Point Road – TaxMap/Lot #007-159-405
- Jason Saghir – 115 Bay Point Road – TaxMap/Lot #007-127-417
- Wetlands Permit – PBN and Non-Site Specific Permit – 2020-00716
- Susan Rhodes & David Rhodes RR Realty Trust – 18 Lake Avenue. – TaxMap/
Lot #16A-347-509
- Shoreland Impact Permit 2020-00646:
- Eric K. Scholl Rev. Trust 12-15-15. 42 Highland Ave.
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 Greg Grigsby (Pellettieri Associates) Presentation - 107 Bay Point Road – Tony & Ann Ryan – Tax/Map #007-142-406 – Mr. Grigsby talked about the site and how they received a variance from the zoning board. He explained that with all of the setbacks on this small lot, there is little room for the proposed leach field. He showed the septic plan and a map that showed the main house, garage and a shed. He explained that they stayed away from the lake and went toward the driveway. He explained that they plan to increase the natural woodland buffer from 17.2% to 23% and will decrease the impervious area. He explained they are putting in a state-of-the-art leach field and a stormwater management plan.
Mr. Stewart asked where the adding of the woodland buffer would go. Mr. Grigsby showed where it would go. Ms. Holmes asked where the driveway is and Mr. Grigsby said there will not be any additional entrances coming into the site.
Ms. Holmes said they need to be consistent with the restoration regulations. Mr. Stewart asked about the drainage that is on the lot. Mr. Grigsby said it is a closed system that goes to a catch basin. He also said the new garage is not going to be on wetlands.
Ms. Holmes thanked Mr. Grigsby for attending the meeting.
Ms. Holmes would like to construct a friendly letter to use for restoration violations. Mr. Smith said the letter should come from either the Code Enforcement Officer or the Selectboard.
Ms. Holmes said she would like to send a letter to Dr. Crowley about trees he took down. Mr. Stewart said Dr. Crowley will need a detailed plan on the cut. He said there should also be additional plantings shown on the plan.
Ms. Holmes mentioned that she still plans to work on a newsletter coming up. She would like to include the restoration article and where to send money if anyone is interested in donating to the purchase of the Avery property.
Mr. Stewart made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Unger seconded the motion. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Long
Recording Secretary
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