Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Newbury Conservation Commission (NCC) – Virtual Meeting

August 11, 2020


Members Present: Katheryn Holmes, Chair; Eric Unger, Vice-chair; Steve and Sue Russell, Bob Stewart, Members.


Public Present: John Magee and Andy Deegan


Ms. Holmes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.





The NCC reviewed the minutes of the July 14, 2020 meeting.  Mr. Unger made a motion to accept the minutes.  Mr. Stewartseconded the motion.  All were in favor. 




- None



- Mike Beaton – 38 Fowler Mill Road – In compliance – Waiting for BOS approval

- Clif Albro & Ed Ablro -  Frosttop Road – In compliance – Waiting for BOS approval

- Eric K. Scholl – 42 Highland Avenue – In compliance – Waiting for BOS approval

- Kanji – 1161 Route 103 – Application is incomplete



Ms. Holmes reported that the website is unavailable. She has had trouble getting into the website.




Warner River Head Waters Conservation Easement – 

Mr. Deegan gave an update the easement. He said he has had discussions and is submitting a loan application on Friday for the Conservation Fund. The organization has been very helpful with the process. He also reported that he will have the ARM application submitted by August 31, 2020. He said as of right now, everything looks great.


Ms. Holmes asked if he could share the purchase and sales agreement. Mr. Deegan said he will send that along to the commissioners. He said the only restrictions on the sale are that the two lots need to be sold together and not to be developed.


Mr. Deegan said there needs to be a conservation easement on this property. He suggested Newbury be the back-up easement holder for this property. Mr. Deegan said the ARM grant requires a back-up easement holder, or the application will be deemed incomplete.


Ms. Holmes said she will bring this up to the BOS at the next meeting. Mr. Deegan said if they approve, the NCC would draft up the easement and have the town attorney look at it.


Mr. Stewart asked how much money he is going for on the ARM application. Mr. Deegan said he is going for a large amount of money and he needs to document the aquatic benefits to acquire the loan. 


Mr. Unger asked if Ausbon Sargent still plans on sending letters out asking for donations. Mr. Deegan said yes, they will be looking for some local support.


Ms. Holmes thanked Mr. Deegan for joining the meeting.



Ms. Holmes announced that the newsletter has been printed and distributed. She said she would like to have more than 1 or 2 per year. She would like the next one to come out in late fall. Everyone agreed.



Ms. Holmes would like to start a Facebook page for the NCC. Everyone agreed. Ms. Long will start looking into creating a page for the NCC.





Ms. Holmes said she would like help with this outreach committee as they have asked her to help take minutes. She said they meet three times a year and she would like to recommend that each commissioner take turns going to the meetings. 


Joint Board Meeting

Ms. Holmes gave a brief update on the Joint Board Meeting that was held on July 18. 





Ms. Holmes gave an update on the electric current that has been found in Job’s Creek on Lake Sunapee. Someone swimming in the area felt a tingle while they were swimming. The voltage was measured at 6 volts. Newbury Harbor measured at 2.2 volts and Sunapee Harbor measured at 2.0 volts. She said they believe it is possibly caused by people’s boat lifts or that someone has left their bubbler electrified.


Ms. Holmes also said a dead loon was found in Blodgett’s Landing.


Ms. Holmes gave an update on wake boats and the effects it has to homeowners on the lake.


Ms. Holmes said a complaint letter was received regarding a resident who put an extension on their dock. She forwarded the complaint letter to the Code Enforcement Officer and encouraged the resident to go directly to DES with the complaint


Planning Board – Mark Hilton Application

Mr. Stewart recused himself due to the fact that he is currently doing work for an engineering firm involved with this property.  


Ms. Holmes, Mr. Unger and Mr. Russell will go to the Hilton property on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. to check out the project. 


Ms. Holmes asked Mr. Hilton to review the process.


Mr. Hilton said the property used to be a gravel pit in the 1970’s (Forest Brook Development). It was left with a lot of holes and when the Hiltons purchased the property they started digging up the gravel and hauling to different areas of the property. They have been creating a flat spot. 


Mr. Hilton mentioned that they had to obtain an Alteration of Terrain Permit, because he has altered more than two acres.


He is trying to make it nicer and turn it into a field. He wants to charge for the product so the money can be put back into the project. 


Ms. Holmes said she wants to insure that the aquafor won’t be contaminated. Mr. Hilton said he is under the necessary requirements.


Mr. Hilton said it shouldn’t be considered a business because he is trying to make the land better and is turning the money around to make the field. 


Ms. Holmes said in the end it will be up to the Planning Board.


Mr. Russell asked why the Alteration of Terrain Permit states he wants it for a horse paddock. Mr. Hilton said he does not have an intention of adding a horse paddock since they already have one.


Friends of Sunapee Update

Mr. Russell stated that a hiking map will be created that shows all of the trails and the exemplary forest on the mountain. 


Mr. Unger made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Stewartseconded the motion. All in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna Long

Recording Secretary