Joint Board Meeting

Meeting date: 
Monday, July 31, 2023

Joint Board Meeting

July 31, 2023



Board Members:  Darren Finneral (Planning Board Chair);Christopher Hernick, (Planning Board Vice Chair); Jim Lord(Planning Board), Christopher Millette (Planning Board), Denise Mitchell (Planning Board), Beth Gering (Planning Board), Joanne Lord (Selectboard Chair), Kristen Schultz (Selectboard) and Scott Wheeler (Selectboard).


Town Personnel:  


Public: Richard Wright, Steve Howard


Mr. Finneral called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Finneral explained this was a joint meeting between the Planning Board and Selectboard per the request of the Selectboard. There will be a hard stop at 6:55 p.m. We will be discussing the current regulations in subdivisions for roads and streets.




Ms. Lord read the ordinances regarding regulations in subdivisions. She said all roads need to follow RSA’s and ordinances. She said that she believes that these ordinances should fall under the Planning Board.


Mr. Wheeler said this topic has been back and forth for a while and it needs to be addressed. He said his concern that these paper roads need to be taken care of. He said the Planning Board needs to address this.


Ms. Schultz asked why is there even question as to who’s purview is this under? 


Planning Board


Mr. Finneral reviewed that the Selectboard believes that all roads and driveways fall under the purview of the Planning Board. The Selectboard agreed.


Mr. Finneral said these subdivisions were put in 40 – 50 years ago and they were never completed. He said the Planning Board really struggles with this and would like to see that when these cases come forward, that the Planning Board takes its time to really make sure they are following regulations, specifically Article 13. He said people need to bring these roads up to Town standards if they are to be considered roads.


Ms. Mitchell said if the subdivision holds up, then it is a matter if someone wants to get to the back lots, they need bring up the roads to Town standards.


Mr. Hernick said we might be asking them to improve a section of the road that they don’t have any rights to. On private roads, the right of way is not its own lot, so when asking someone in a back lot, they would need an easement over all the lots the road passes over, which could be a real pain or we are asking them to improve something on Town land with private funds. 


Ms. Mitchell said there are circumstances in which a subdivision should give a revised plan.


Mr. Finneral said every case is specific and some road changes could call for a change of address for those who live there.


Ms. Mitchell said address changes should be going to the Selectboard.


Mr. Lord suggested that when a Town sells land, it should be noted that the lot is unbuildable. 


Mr. Finneral said there is a class (A Hard Road to Travel) they can look into that would give them more information regarding RSA 674:41. Ms. Schultz said we should get dates for people who might want to take this class.


Mr. Millette said that since he has been on the Board, they have not approved any roads. The issues are roads that are on the books and predate the subdivision when people purchase land on paper roads. He said what was defined as a paper road may not fit the regulations of current roads.


Mr. Finneral said site visits can always be done by fire chief or highway administrator to get up-to-date regulations on what would be needed.


Ms. Lord said it is really important to look at the full picture.


Mr. Finneral asked the Selectboard if they want the Planning Board to follow these regulations regardless of what that means for an outcome including bringing a lawsuit against the Town.


Ms. Schultz said that whatever is on the books needs to be followed. If there is a way to apply for a waiver or exemption, then they can apply for those. 


Mr. Wheeler asked how we deal with paper roads. 


Mr. Finneral said the Planning Board is on overload right now. He said it is difficult to schedule working sessions because of all of the current case loads. He said this will take about five years to get through. He suggested the Planning Board talk with Peter Stanley about what Sutton did with paper roads. 


Ms. Lord said maybe we can work on section by section. She explained that the Town is growing and overpopulated.


Ms. Schultz suggested prioritizing some of these regulations that need to be updated.


Mr. Millette said some of the multiple responsibilities of the Planning Board include a 10-year plan, workforce housing and there is a lot of discussion regarding lot sizes. He said residents have a right to utilize their property. He does not think we should take these rights away and we need to find a way to help them develop these lots. We have to help people be able to utilize their land.


Mr. Finneral read RSA 674:41 regarding a landowner’s insistence to build. It is not the Town’s responsibility to determine if it is buildable or not.


Mr. Finneral opened up to public input.


Mr. Thomas said paper roads were never built, they were good faith roads. We are issuing building permits on roads that he can’t bring fire vehicles down. The roads should be kept up to the standards to which they were surveyed and engineered. He said there is a big difference between paper and private roads.


Michelle Lucy of Ramblewood has been in front of both Boards. She has brought the road up to those standards so what are her next steps to get a driveway permit? Mr. Finneral said Planning Board can do a site visit to look at the road to see if it is up to Town road standards. Mr. Finneral said they might need to do an amended site plan. 


Ms. Plunkett said sub-division regulations are for new sub-divisions and we should not hold hostage property owners from 20 years ago to new regulations.  If they can meet safety requirements, she believes that should suffice. In 20 years, we all may be in violation to the next set of regulations.


Ms. Schultz made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Lord seconded the motion. All were in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary

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