Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Planning Board

August 17, 2021



Board Members Present:  Darren Finneral, Chair; Christopher Hernick, Vice Chair; Michael Beaton, Joanne Lord, Chris Millette, Denise Mitchell, Members; Scott Wheeler, Ex-officio;Peter Stanley, Consultant.




Mr. Finneral called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.






The Board reviewed the minutes of July 20, 2021. Mr. Finneral made some minor edits.


Ms. Lord made a motion to accept the minutes.  Mr. Wheeler seconded the motion. 

All were in favor.




The Board members signed the Baker Hill Golf Club mylar.


Ms. Mitchell asked about notifications to abutters. 


Public Hearings:


7:15 p.m. – Case 2021-014 – Final Approval – Minor Subdivision – Beverly R. Wolf Trust (owner), Pierre J. Bedard & Daniel H. Wolf (agents), for property located at 253 Bowles Road., Newbury, NH – Tax/Map #017-219-457


Mr. Finneral invited Dan Wolf to speak to the Board. Mr. Wolfsaid they are hoping to do a simple subdivision with no changesto the lot. The purpose of the subdivision is so their children will end up with the house within the next 10 years. The IRS does not let you gift more than 10 acres. He also has a deed restriction cannot be subdivided unless it is no less than 10 acres. There are no plans to subdivide anything else. They are asking for some waivers because there will be no changes to the property. The owners are looking to waive the following subdivision regulations 9.3, 9.5 and 9.6 because they are not making any changes to the property. 


Mr. Finneral read subdivision regulation 9.3 to the Board. A vote was taken to accept the waiver. All were in favor of the waiver.


Mr. Finneral read subdivision regulation 9.5 to the Board. Mr. Millette made a motion to accept the waiver. Ms. Lord seconded the motion.  All were in favor. 


Mr. Finneral read subdivision regulation 9.6 to the Board. Ms. Lord motioned to accept the waiver. Mr. Finneral seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Finneral reviewed the application for completeness. Ms. Lord motioned to accept the application for completeness. Mr. Millette seconded the motion. All were in favor. 


Mr. Finneral opened the hearing to the public. There was a question regarding the deed restriction once it is gifted to the children. There being no other questions or concerns, Mr. Finneral closed the hearing.


Mr. Hernick made a motion to approve the application. Ms. Lord seconded the motion. All were in favor. 


7:30 p.m. – Case 2021-015 – Final Approval – Revised Plan of Angel Hawk Subdivision – Lot #4 - Donald L. & Pamela J. Preston (owners), William R. Wightman (agent), for property located on Chapin Way, Newbury, NH Tax/Map #048-599-104


Mr. Finneral reviewed the application for completeness. Ms. Lord motioned to accept the application as complete. Mr. Beatonseconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Finneral opened the hearing. Mr. Wightman gave a review of the project. He explained the owners want to move the house outside of the housing envelope. Mr. Eckman said they are looking for permission to amend the original subdivision plan from the original 2005 approval. They are just changing one corner of the house, expanding the driveway and the septic and well will be reversed. 


Mr. Finneral opened the hearing to the public. Rich and Cathie Mozzetta said they would like to purchase a property in the same subdivision and wants to know if they would be able to place the entire house outside of the envelope. Mr. Finneral said they could come in for a conceptual hearing.


Mr. Finneral closed the public hearing.


Ms. Lord made a motion to approve the application. Mr. Finneral seconded the motion. All were in favor. 


7:45 p.m. Case 2021-016 – Conceptual Site Plan Review – Lando Strong Living Trust (owner), Kristine E. Foss (agent), for property located at 1387 Route 103, Newbury, NH Tax/Map #007-319-105 Proposing an herbal apothecary and gift shop & hosting of small groups for workshops.


Mr. Finneral read the definition of a conceptual site plan review. 


Mr. Finneral welcomed the applicants to the front table.


Ms. Foss said she would like to open a small retail and herbal gift shop. She explained it would include tea blends, body lotions, artwork, books, candles, and soaps. They would also like to hold some workshops, speakers, and consultations. It would be next to Sunapee Trading Post. They want to change the use from office to retail. One section would be for the shop and another section will be for the consultations. 


Mr. Finneral said they would ask for a minor site plan review to include parking, employees, and hours of operation as well as an aerial photograph and square footage of the building. Ms. Foss said they will have two employees and will mirror the same hours as Sunapee Trading Post. They will share parking with Sunapee Trading Post as well. Mr. Millette asked if there was handicapped parking and Ms. Foss said not at this time. Ms. Mitchell asked if there would be any manufacturing done at the location and Ms. Foss said no. 


Mr. Finneral thanked them for coming in.


Other Business:


Reed Gelzer gave an update on a ZBA rehearing that will be taking place on a case that was discussed at the last meeting. 


Mr. Beaton made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Lord seconded the motion.  All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:31 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary

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