Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Planning Board

September 21, 2021



Board Members Present:  Darren Finneral, Chair; Michael Beaton, Chris Millette, Denise Mitchell, Members; Peter Stanley, Consultant.




Mr. Finneral called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.




Mr. Finneral gave an update on the Newbury Housing Committee. The Committee would like to change their monthly meetings to Mondays. Mr. Finneral also said the Committee needs to get back to the Planning Board as soon as possible with possible changes to the ordinances. Mr. Stanley explained if there are any changes at all, there will need to be additional meetings, and town council also needs to take a look at the proposed changes. He said there needs to be time for all of this. Mr. Stanley said if they go to the NH Municipal Association website, they will see all the dates are for these deadlines.




The Board reviewed the minutes of August 17, 2021.


Ms. Mitchell made a motion to accept the minutes.  Mr. Finneral seconded the motion.

All were in favor.


Public Hearings:


7:15 p.m. – Case 2021-016 – Final Minor Site Plan Review – Lando Strong Living Trust (owner), Kristine E. Foss (agent), for property located at 1387 Route 103, Newbury, NH Tax Map 007-319-105 proposing an herbal apothecary and gift shop & hosting of small group for workshops.


Ms. Foss introduced herself and explained what her business would entail. She said she makes her own tea blends at home and will sell them at this location. Ms. Foss would also like to hold some workshops as well to teach about herbalism. She explained the only two employees working at the shop will be her and her co-owner. The shop will be open from Wednesday – Sunday 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sundays 11 a.m. -3 p.m. Neighboring retail business Sunapee Trading Post has about 4 cars/hour in the parking lot and visits are about 15 minutes each. She anticipates they would have about the same amount of traffic in that time so there would be about 8 parking spots needed with handicap spots and room for loading and unloading as well. Ms. Foss said there is a gravel lot that they are going to use for staff parking. She said there is a residence behind the building and there will be a large right-away for that building. Phone, internet and electricity are already included. She also reported that the speed limit on that stretch of Route 103 is 35 mph.


Ms. Foss is requesting some waivers.


  1. The site plan is as close to scale as possible, but she wanted a waiver on the site plan review to show and identify the sketch in the plan claiming hardship to the applicant to pay to have a professional drawing of the plan. There were no questions by the Board members.


Mr. Millette made a motion to accept the waiver for requirement on the site plan. Mr. Finneral seconded the motion. All were in favor.


  1. The requirement outlined in which shows the water and sewer lines. Ms. Foss has looked for paperwork in the files and couldn’t find anything.


Mr. Millette made a motion to accept the waiver for requirement Ms. Mitchell seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Finneral read the application for completeness.


Mr. Finneral made a motion to approve the application. Mr. Millette seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Finneral opened the hearing to the public. There was some concern about the septic being able to handle the public during a workshop. Ms. Foss said the workshops will be small and won’t last very long so there shouldn’t be a need for many people to use the restroom.


Mr. Finneral asked if she has held workshops before and Ms. Foss said she has had pop-up workshops that have had about 6 customers each.


Mr. Finneral closed the public input.


Mr. Millette proposed to put in the parking lines as per the plan within 60 days.


Mr. Millette made a motion to accept the application with the condition of putting in the parking lines within 60 days. Mr. Beaton seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Other Business:


Planning for Working Sessions – Mr. Finneral would like some idea of when we should hold these work sessions. There was some discussion. It was decided that work sessions will be held on another Tuesday of the month.



Mr. Beaton made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Millette seconded the motion.  All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary