Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Planning Board

April 18, 2023



Board Members Present:  Darren Finneral, Chair; Chris Hernick, Vice Chair; Jim Lord, Denise Mitchell, Wayne Seaholm, Members; Kristin Schultz, Ex Officio; Peter Stanley, Consultant.


Town Personnel: Tiffany Favreau, Land Use Coordinator


Public: Katheryn Holmes, David Rhodes, NCC Members; others


Mr. Finneral called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.




Election of Officers:


Mr. Finneral stated that Chair and Vice Chair need to be selected.


Mr. Seaholm made a motion to elect Mr. Finneral as Chair. Ms. Schultz seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Seaholm made a motion to elect Mr. Hernick as Vice Chair. Mr. Lord seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Finneral reported that he attended the last Zoning Board meeting and let the members know they need to have proposed changes to the Planning Board by June.




The Board reviewed the minutes of March 21, 2023. 


Mr. Lord made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  Mr. Seaholm seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Case 2023-004- Preliminary Design Review – Horizons Engineering, Inc. (agent), Sunapee Difference, LLC (owner) proposing an expansion of the existing “Parking Lot #2” and the construction of a new “Parking Lot #4) at property at 156 Mount Sunapee Road, Tax Map 013-386-092A.


Mr. Finneral said the applicant had everything they needed to hear the preliminary design.


Mr. Hernick recused himself as he is the project engineer for this proposed project.


Peter Disch, General Manager of Sunapee Resort, explained that Parking Lot #4 was previously permitted in 2004. They would like to now add this extra lot to help get parking off the road. They sometimes run out of parking altogether. This lot will be adding 275 more spaces. A representative from Horizon Engineering showed a map and where the proposed lot would go. 


Mr. Finneral asked specifically where Lot #4 would be located. The representative explained it would be on the right side of the road. Mr. Seaholm asked if it would be dirt or paved, and he was told paved.


Mr. Finneral went over responses from fire chief, police chief, highway administrator all in favor of the project. There are some concerns from the Conservation Commission.


Ms. Schultz asked how this will affect the watershed for Lake Sunapee. The intent is not to have impact downstream and they are meeting all the conditions set by DES.


Mr. Finneral said to make sure they have three requirements under 8.7.5.


Mr. Finneral said the Conservation Commission wants to do a site visit. The Board members will visit no more than two at a time for a site review.


Ms. Mitchell asked if it needs to be paved. They said the runoff will be the same if it is gravel or pavement. Mr. Hernick said pavement will create a smooth, stable, and permanent surface. 


Under 8.4, Mr. Finneral pointed out that if the State issues permission for this, they will not need to go to Zoning Board.


Mr. Finneral opened it up to public input.


Ms. Holmes said the NCC was the last to find out about this project. Their concern is regarding maintenance and runoff from the surface. They are also concerned about the lagoons. She would like to see a stormwater management plan.


Ms. Holmes asked how many cars can be parked now. He said 2,135 total cars that were figured by design, including the beach lot. They said they actually park about 16% less than expected in the master design.


Mr. Finneral closed public input.


Mr. Finneral said they look forward to receiving the application.


Case 2023-005 – Conceptual Site Plan Review – CHM Perkins, LLC (owner), James Soule (agent), for property located at 1485 Route 103, Newbury, NH Tax Map 007-549-130, proposing Newbury Palace Pizza.


Mr. Soule stated everything will be same as old location, with having a few more parking spaces.

Mr. Finneral said they have been a good business owner for 11 years, and nothing is changing other than location. Mr. Finneral said he would like to get the Code Enforcement Officer in there to expedite the process.


Mr. Finneral will write a conceptual letter and ask the CEO if he can get a permit to work on the interior.


Case 2023-006 – Conceptual Minor Subdivision – CHM Perkins, LLC (owner), Clayton Platt (agent), for property located at 1485 Route 103, Newbury, NH Tax Map 007-549-130.


Mr. Finneral invited the agent to the floor. He said they want to take a 2.25 acre out of a 15-acre lot to create a pizza shop in the area. There will be 49 seats in the restaurant, so they are proposing to put the septic on the eastern side. Another issue is that there is a private driveway on the lot. They are waiting for wetlands approval and then they will apply for subdivision approval. 


Mr. Stanley said there should be a well-thought-out easement for the deed that will define maintenance for the right of way.


Mr. Finneral will follow up with recommendations.




- Housing Navigator – Renee Theall – Ms. Theall introduced herself. She will be working on a project for two years on housing needs and development. The grant will cover four towns – Newbury, New London, Sunapee and Wilmot. A lengthy discussion regarding housing ensued.


- Discussion of Planning Board fee schedule – Mr. Finneral said Zoning Board has increased their fees. He went over all the feesand Board members made proposed changes. They will add $75 for notifications across the Board.


- Discussion of amendments to Planning Board Rules of Procedure – This will be tabled until next month. 


Mr. Lord made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Seaholm seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 9:33 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary

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