Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Planning Board

July 18, 2023



Board Members Present:  Darren Finneral, Chair; Chris Hernick, Vice Chair; Jim Lord, Chris Millette, Denise Mitchell,Wayne Seaholm, Members; Kristen Schultz, Ex Officio; Peter Stanley, Consultant.


Town Personnel: Tiffany Favreau, Land Use Coordinator


Public: Clayton Platt, Tom Dombrowki


Mr. Finneral called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.




Tiffany distributed the new rules of procedure highlighting the change of how many cases can be heard in one night.


Ms. Favreau also distributed the updated revisions to the zoning ordinances.




The Board reviewed the minutes of June 20, 2023. 


Mr. Lord made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  Ms. Schultz seconded the motion. All were in favor.


The Board reviewed the minutes of June 27, 2023. 


Mr. Millette made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  Ms. Schultz seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Case 2023-006 – Final Approval – Minor Subdivision – Clayton Platt, (agent), CHM Perkins, LLC (owner), for property located at 1485 Route 103, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 007-549-130.


Mr. Finneral found the application complete. 


Mr. Millette made a motion to accept the application as complete. Mr. Lord seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Platt presented the plans for the septic system.


Mr. Millette asked if they looked for wetlands in all areas and Mr. Platt said Mr. Stewart looked at the entire lot and did not find wetlands adjacent to the lot.


Mr. Platt said the lot lines might change after it is received back from the state.


Since there are going to be changes, it was decided to wait on approval until the changes are made and presented.


Discussion then took place regarding the waiver. 


Mr. Millette thinks it makes sense to approve the waiver. 


Mr. Stanley asked if it is part of the commercial property and Mr. Platt said ‘yes’.


Ms. Mitchell asked how the snow mobile trail worked. Mr. Platt said there is no problem there.


Mr. Platt requested a continuation. He is hoping to have everything in place by August.


Mr. Finneral opened it up to public input. There being none, Mr. Finneral closed the public input.


Mr. Hernick made a motion to continue this case on August 15, 2023, at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Seaholm seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Case 2023-013- Final Approval – Minor Subdivision – Thomas C. Dombroski, (agent), Randall E. Barnes Rev Trust (owner), for property located at 573 Mountain Road, Newbury, NH Tax Map 023-630-000.


Mr. Finneral read the application for completeness. 


Ms. Schultz made a motion to accept the application for completeness. Mr. Lord seconded the motion. All were in favor.


The proposal is to take the 55-acre lot and divide off 9 acres. 


Mr. Finneral opened up to public input. There being none, Mr. Finneral closed public input.


Mr. Hernick made a motion to approve the application. Mr. Lordseconded the motion. All were in favor. 


The Board signed the mylar.


Case 2023-15 Conceptual Minor Subdivision – Thomas C. Dombroski, (agent), Randall E. Barnes Rev Trust (owner), for property located at 573 Mountain Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 023-630-000.


Mr. Finneral explained what a conceptual is. 


Mr. Dombrowki explained that lot #1 is 10.3 acres. They want to divide it in two, one almost 7 acres and the other 3.4 acres. He explained where the driveway is intended, and he will need to get a permit for this. 


Mr. Millette asked that Lot #1 doesn’t currently have a driveway and Lot #2 would be the existing driveway. He said to look at the driveway regulations to make sure the driveways would be the proper distance apart. Ms. Favreau said it is only 10’ from abutting properties. Mr. Stanley asked why they decided to do a two-part process, and Mr. Dombrowski said only one portion had to be approved by DES so that is why they decided to do it this way.


Ms. Favreau said that an abutter has an easement that says they need to meet the density requirements and by doing it in a two-part process, they will meet those requirements.


Mr. Dombrowski will check on the site distances for the driveway.


Mr. Finneral mentioned that under 2.15 they won’t be able to do a minor subdivide again for another five years. 


Case 2023-014 – Conceptual Minor Subdivision – T.F. Bernier, Inc. (agent), Donald E. & Celine C. Hatch (owners), for property located at 158 Winding Brook Road, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 035-540-514.


The agent brought the Board up to date as to changes to their proposal. They would like to divide the 150 acres into two 74-acre lots. They received a letter from the chair that said to propose a private road. They started surveying the property and locating the wetlands. The Hatches would like to have their son build a house on the other lot. They have met with the fire chief, and the road agent and they both are fine with the proposal. The road agent just wants them to replace a culvert. The agent said if the variance is granted, they would need a waiver for the form factor.


Mr. Millette asked for clarification on the building envelope request and why it is considered a hardship. Mr. Millette asked if there is a logging road on the property. It is just used by the Hatches and not a public hiking trail.


Mr. Finneral confirmed that there will be a private road so this will need to be named.


Mr. Finneral said his concern is that they would need a maintenance agreement and it has to meet current regulations to bring it up to private road standards for street design. 


Mr. Seaholm asked why the house couldn’t be on the right side of the property and was told that it has a steep slope.


They will be going to the Zoning Board looking for a variance.







Ms. Favreau said the highway administrator and fire chief do not have the authority to grant permission. 


Discussion ensued.


Mr. Finneral distributed the plans for Palace Pizza. The Board members said the plan does not show the full 10-acre lot. The Board said he needs to show the parking. Mr. Finneral is going to suggest to have them hold off until the lot line is completed to meet the requirements of the State.


Mr. Lord made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Schultz seconded the motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary

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