Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Planning Board

April 19, 2022



Board Members Present:  Darren Finneral, Chair; Chris Hernick, Vice-Chair; Jim Lord, Chris Millette, Denise Mitchell, Wayne Seaholm, Members.


Mr. Finneral called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.






Mr. Finneral stated that Kristen Schultz would like to take on the role as an alternate for the Planning Board.




The Board reviewed the minutes of March 15, 2022. 


Ms. Mitchell made a motion to accept the minutes with proposed corrections.  Mr. Seaholm seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Public Hearings:


7:15 p.m. – Case 2022-004 – Preliminary Design Review – Sunapee Difference LLC (owner), Horizons Engineering, Inc. (agent), for property located at 156 Mount Sunapee Road, Newbury, NH Tax Map 013-386-092A – proposing a 22’ x 40’ locker room.


Mr. Hernick recused himself from the case.


Mr. Hernick said Mount Sunapee would like to add an employee locker room which would be a 22’ x 40’ modular building. Mr. Hernick said it is a straightforward project. There will be a concrete pad under the structure.


Mr. Finneral said the Selectboard, police chief, fire chief and highway department all have no issues. 


This will be brought to a future Planning Board meeting as a public hearing.


Other Business:


- Master Plan – Mr. Finneral distributed the Master Plan and rated the items as high, medium, and low priority.

- CIP – This is an off-shoot of the Planning Board. They meet about once or twice a year. They meet with the department heads. Wayne Seaholm, Kristen Schultz and Allison Kinsman will be on the CIP committee.

- 2023 Zoning Amendment Changes – Mr. Finneral said time will be taken to take a good look at any proposed changes.

- Housing – Mr. Finneral said he doesn’t want to rush anything. The Planning Board will meet with the Housing Committee chair and work on some things in the next 1 ½ years to make some changes.


Ms. Mitchell brought up the topic of sidewalks in the downtown area and said she wants to look into grant monies.


Mr. Hernick made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Seaholm secondedthe motion. All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary

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