Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Planning Board

February 16, 2021



Members Present:  Bruce Healey, Chair; Mike Beaton, Vice Chair; Darren Finneral, and Chris Hernick, Members; Peter Stanley, Advisor.


Public: Leigh Ann and Jonathan Root


Mr. Healey called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.


Mr. Healey read the guidelines due to the COVID-19 crisis and that under emergency order the Planning Board has been authorized to meet electronically. If anyone has trouble accessing the meeting, please contact Peter Stanley. He said that all regular rules apply and that roll call will be used for all votes.


A roll call was taken.




The Board reviewed the minutes of January 19, 2021.


Mr. Healey made a motion to accept the minutes.  Mr. Hernick seconded the motion. All were in favor.


7:45 p.m. – Case 2021-004 – Conceptual Consultation – Site Plan Review – Lando Strong Living Trust (owner), Jonathan & Leigh Ann Root (agents) for property located at 1387 Route 103, Newbury, NH, Tax Map 007-319-105.


Mr. Healey read what the definition of a conceptual consultation for a site plan review.


Mr. Healey said that Mr. Steve Landrigan has given authority for the Roots to speak about this project.


Mr. and Mrs. Root would like to put in a gift shop in a small building at the Newbury circle owned by Lando Living Trust. Mr. Root said they would like to make minor changes to the building including ceiling, painting and flooring. They would like to give it a little more character. They would like to add an overhang over the door by the parking lot. They would also like to make it ADA accessible. It would be a 4’ wide entrance. There would be decking at the ground level sloping up to the door entry. They would like the decking to be on two sides of the building. The outside of the building would be painted as well.


Mr. Healey said that since they are in the business district, it has a 50’ setback from the Route 103 center line. He said the entire building is not in compliance of the setback. Mr. Healey said they would need a variance from the Zoning Board before they proceeded with the Planning Board. Mr. Stanley said he agreed that they should have a variance from the Zoning Board. Mrs. Root asked about signage. Mr. Healey said they would need to get a permit from the Code Enforcement Officer for signage for this property. Mrs. Root asked about the variance process. Mr. Stanley stated they need to fill out paperwork with the land use coordinator.


Mr. Healey said assuming they receive a variance, they will then submit a minor site plan review application with the Planning Board. It is a change of use and would also increase the size of the building.


Mr. Root asked if they decided to wait on the expansion, could they bypass the variance. Mr. Healey said yes and explained that the Planning Board does not always need to approve a minor site plan review for a change of use plan.


Mr. Healey said when they reach out to Mr. Landrigan for the agency letter to also ask him for a site plan.


Mr. Finneral made a motion to accept the change of use from office to retail at this location and that no site plan will be required. Mr. Beaton seconded the motion. All were in favor.


Mr. Healey said they can do interior cosmetic changes.


Other Business:


Mr. Healey discussed the Center Meeting House. This lot is actually two lots and they want to merge these two lots. Mr. Healey said he signed the voluntary merge of lots record.


Mr. Healey said he wanted to talk about Willow Pond Sand and Gravel. He said it is a 72-acre lot in South Newbury Village. Mr. Healey said 25% of this property is in the wetlands and the property is on the town’s only aquifer. He said it became a gravel pit before current regulations and it is grandfathered. Mr. Healey would like it to be under local regulations.


He said he wants to remind the Board that there was a significant condition of approval in which they had to keep all trucking either entering or leaving through South Newbury Village with signage and noticing. They were supposed to enter and leave at Morse Hill Road and not at the blinking light of the village. Mr. Healey said it is obvious to him that they are not operating the gravel pit and they are currently negotiating a sale with another company. Mr. Healey read an email that was sent to the town from the negotiating agent for the sale of this property. Mr. Healey replied to the email and informed the Board what he wrote. He said he explained that all traffic would have to come in and out of Morse Hill and will have signage needed. He explained they cannot use the Route 103 entrance by the blinking light.

Mr. Healey said another email was received today explaining they would like to set up a conceptual site plan review to discuss bringing in materials, use of a hammer, verify that no site plan approval is necessary, and verify that no restoration bond is required and as well as no other permits.


Mr. Healey thanked everyone for allowing him to serve as a chair for the Planning Board for the past eight years.


Mr. Healey made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Beaton seconded the motion.  All in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary