Planning Board Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Planning Board

August 21, 2018


Approved September 11, 2018


Members Present:  Bruce Healey, Chair; Michael Beaton, Vice Chair; Regina Cockerill, Howard Maurer, Bill Weiler, Richard Wright, Members; Ken McWilliams, Advisor.


Mr. Healey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.




The Board reviewed the minutes from May 15, 2018.  Corrections were made. 


Mr. Wright made a motion to accept the minutes of May 15, 2018 as corrected.  Mr. Weiler seconded the motion.  All in favor.


The Board reviewed the minutes from July 17, 2018.  Corrections were made.


Mr. Wright made a motion to accept the minutes of July 17, 2018 as corrected.  Mr. Maurer seconded the motion.  All in favor.


Mr. Healey stated that Mr. Landrigan was in attendance at the meeting.  He was not scheduled to attend this meeting and was not on the agenda.  Mr. Healey reminded the Board as to why Mr. Landrigan was in attendance at the last meeting.  Mr. Healey read a letter that was sent to Mr. Landrigan after the last meeting.  In the letter, it is stated that he needs to ‘pursue without delay, a Minor Site Plan Review as described in Article 6.  Mr. Landrigan feels that he should not have to fill out a Minor Site Plan due to the fact that this is a minor use of the property that will be used as an office space for just one or two people.  Mr. Landrigan said that there is no site plan in his file and it would be quite costly to get this done.  It would be very expensive for a simple rental that is no different than the historical use of this building.  He is requesting a waiver and a vote as described under Article 8.  Mr. Healey explained that he can ask for a waiver during a hearing since there is no site plan review.  He said this has to be part of a hearing and not just given upon request.  Mr. Healey told Mr. Landrigan to file an application, pay the fees and the Board will consider a waiver and a vote at the hearing.  Mr. Landrigan said the waiver should be given upon request.  Mr. Landrigan said he thinks this is being unreasonable.  Mr. Wright explained that it is a process and he needs to follow the procedure and the Board will look at it at his next hearing. 






Conceptual Site Plan Review:


7:15 p.m. – Case 2018-009 – Conceptual Site Plan Review – Kevin & Cheryl Cunningham – 45 Blye Hill Landing – Tax Map #030-717-046


Mr. Healey read the process of how a Conceptual Review works. 


Mr. Cunningham explained that he purchased the land a couple years ago and is getting ready to build.  He would like to slightly turn the garage for turn-around purposes.  He explained that the land has been surveyed, and the garage goes over about 18’ in the common area.  He said that he has received unanimous approval from the association.  He would like to receive approval from the Planning Board to be able to shift his garage slightly so people can turn around in his driveway (such as propane delivery, etc.).  Mr. Healey explained that the Planning Board could do a new subdivision approval or they could require a lot line adjustment.  Mr. Weiler said it is a simple process and we just need to give a subdivision approval.  Mr. Wright said that he feels that these are small lots and it does not take into consideration the terrain of the area.  Mr. Healey said that they would need to have a hearing, require signatures from the Association’s Board and a new mylar.  Mr. Clayton Platt stated that he could create a new mylar.  Mr. Weiler said we are just moving it to a new footprint.


They will submit what is needed and a hearing will be planned.


Other Business


Mount Sunapee – Change of Lease Ownership

Mr. Healey asked if we are going to meet with the new leasees.  Mr. Beaton asked why we would meet them.  Mr. Wright said we should just write a letter and explain things to them.  Mr. Weiler said we need to let them know what their responsibilities are.  Mr. Wright said it is their responsibility to look it up.  Mr. Healey explained there are very specific things that can happen in that district that they probably are not aware of that the town has oversight over as a land use perspective.  Mr. Healey said that he would much prefer to have them come in to speak with us.  Mr. Weiler said that we should request that they come in to discuss ordinance 3.4 under change of ownership or tenancy.  Mr. Wright said we should wait to see if the deal goes through and then we write them a letter notifying them of the district that they are in. 


Mr. Weiler said that there is a state RSA that says non-governmental use of governmental land has to meet all of the regulations of the town that it is situated in. 


Adoption of the CIP

Mr. McWilliams said he would like to present the CIP to the Planning Board on September 18. 


November Meeting Date

Mr. Healey asked if we should change the date of our November meeting. He was wondering if the Board would like to move the Planning Board meeting to Tuesday, November 13.  The Board approved this request.  Mr. Healey will notice the change to this meeting.



Master Plan

Mr. Healey suggested that the Board starts with the action items that were given the highest priority.  Mr. Healey wants to go through the items first and make a suggestion as to how the Board might address this.  He suggests a sub-committee process to address these issues.


Mr. Healey said next year, during the development of the CIP, they need to agree which action items require funding and adding amounts to existing funding in the Master Plan. 


Discussion ensued on how the Board would prioritize the action items in the Master Plan the Board should address first including affordable housing, cell towers, lot sizes, etc. 


Mr. Healey suggested a September work session.  The Board members decided to hold a work session on September 11 at 7:00 p.m.


Mr. Beaton made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Wright seconded the motion.  All in favor.


The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Donna S. Long

Recording Secretary