Section 11


11.0 Sediment and erosion control plans shall be designed using the Erosion and Sediment Control Design Handbook for Developing Areas of New Hampshire prepared by the USDA - Soil Conservation Service.  The following standards shall be observed by the subdivider in the design, layout and engineering of the subdivision:

11.1 Stripping of vegetation, regrading, or other development shall be done in such a way that will minimize on-site and prevent all off-site soil erosion.

11.2 Whenever practical, natural vegetation shall be retained, protected and supplemented. The stripping of vegetation will be done in a manner that minimizes soil erosion.

11.3 The disturbed area shall be kept to a minimum, and the duration of exposure shall be less than a maximum of six months. Disturbed areas remaining idle for more than thirty days shall be stabilized.

11.4 Temporary seeding and/or mulching shall be used to protect exposed critical areas during development.

11.5 The subdivider shall make provision to accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development.

11.6 The subdivider shall make reasonable effort to trap sediment in the runoff water until the disturbed area is stabilized by the use of sediment basins or other acceptable methods. Measures shall be taken to control sediment and retain it within the project area. Sediment in runoff water shall be trapped and retained within the project area using approved measures. Very poorly drained soils and water bodies shall be protected from sediment.

11.7 Diversions, sediment basins, and other erosion control mechanisms, shall be constructed by the subdivider prior to any on-site grading or disturbance of existing surface material.  If straw or hay bales must be used, limit each row to intercepting no more than one half (½) acre of runoff area.

11.8 Should there be an alteration of the terrain bordering surface waters of the State or disturbance of over 100,000 square feet of area, a permit from the Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission is required under RSA 485-A:17.

11.9 All graded areas shall be seeded with conservation mix (USDA approval) at the rate of 60 lbs. per acre.

11.10 All seeded areas shall be fertilized.  The fertilizer shall have an analysis of 5-10-10 and be applied at the rate of 3 lbs. per 100 square feet.

11.11 All seeded areas shall be mulched within 24 hours after seeding.  A good quality of mulch hay should be used and applied at the rate of 2 tons per acre.

11.12 Appropriate control measures shall be installed prior to removal of vegetation.

11.13 Off-site surface water and runoff from disturbed areas shall be carried through the project area in a way that prevents erosion, or diverted away from disturbed areas where feasible.

11.14 Naturally occurring streams, channels and wetlands shall be used for conveyance of runoff leaving the project area.

11.15 All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed after final site stabilization. Trapped sediment and other disturbed soil areas resulting from removal of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized within thirty (30) days.

11.16 Site development shall not begin before the erosion and sediment control plan is approved by the Board.

11.17 Erosion and sediment control measures shall be installed as scheduled in the approved plan.

11.18 The subdivider shall maintain all soil erosion and sediment control measures, including devices and plantings as specified in the approved plan, in effective working condition. Responsibility for maintenance by subsequent property owners on which permanent measures have been installed shall be included in the deed and shall run with the land. If the owner fails to adequately maintain such measures, the town shall have the authority to perform required maintenance. the cost of such work shall be borne by the owner.